I'm passionate about making the world a better place to live. All of us are better off when any individual maximizes his or her health. I believe I can make at least a small impact here by celebrating, communicating and coordinating what creative thinkers are doing to improve the human condition.
Together we can move the quadruple dials of enhancing the patient's and clinician's experience while improving the health of a group of patients and lowering cost.
That's my purpose - my "Why." "How" I do it is by supporting leaders and innovators. "What" I do is the below podcasts, think tanks, thought partnering, and impact investing.
I help leaders and innovators tell the world about their ideas. Through iD8 (ideate, a verb meaning to form ideas, to think) I interview the most interesting thinkers who are helping millions of individuals to get healthier
Think Tanks
Selected podcast guests, clients and friends are invited into intimate support groups as part of my network. These forums offer idea exchange, camaraderie, confidential problem discussions, and focused education among executives within the same segment of healthcare.
Thought Partnering
Clients can further leverage my 50 years of healthcare experience, sensitivities, resources and connections by retaining me as an inner circle advisor. I facilitate and monitor annual plans, coach managers, find the right vendors, resources and collaborators, and stand by as a trusted confidant.
Impact Investing
Good ideas and innovators that improve health get funded. Private equity, venture capital and other investors want opportunities vetted by me and my Think Tanks.