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How was I so lucky? Let me count the ways. Growing up in Wendell, a small Idaho farm town, was a blessing that provided me with strong feelings about healthcare access. Driving an ambulance in college got me into healthcare, and I never looked back. I'm proud to be a Vietnam vet and for the fast-tracked leadership lessons I gained in the Army that propelled me into civilian hospital administration. Thereafter I discovered ambulatory care. I’ve been privileged by its creativity, flexibility and the opportunity to touch more people.


I am grateful. I’ve been blessed by serial good fortunes. However in designing my Jim Trounson 3.0, it seems this latest phase of my life should be the best yet. And it looks like it will be.


A full life of rewarding work, meaningful relations, memorable experiences gives me the wherewithal and obligation of much to offer. I like the thought that, “I didn't come this far to only come this far.” There is much work left to be done.

To whom much is given,

much is expected.

" My army buddies and I returned to Garmish in the Bavarian Alps for one of our annual reunions."


Thereafter I discovered my true passion - ambulatory care. I love its innovation, flexibility and the opportunity to touch more people. I started America's first physician practice management company, Medical Management ( when I was 29 years old to increase healthcare access through clinics that work. After 42 years, in September 2018, I sold MedMan to a group of our managers who will continue improving physicians lives through the hands-on management of medical practices.


This is a relationship business, so through this website I hope you’ll get to know me in order to decide whether we ought to be friends. I'll share my interests including an Idaho outdoorsy lifestyle, travel, hanging out with inspiring friends, and photography. Except for images of me, all the pictures and artwork are by me, and I hope you'll read the captions to know what I've been up to.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the liberation and flexibility of this time of personal freedom. I only bid out work as a retainer or by the project, nothing is hourly. Fees always include travel. I don't pay or accept referral fees. I carefully select clients and jobs. 

" Shot on my morning run around the lake at Fuschl am See, Austria. We stayed at the castle you can see at the other end of the lake"

After 42 years my former employees now own and run our busy medical group management company, MedMan. I’m free to do deeper dives into whatever stirs my soul.


I am so impressed by individuals out there who are making a difference in the health of others through much needed innovation. I want to help leverage them in any way I can. “Championing thoughtful healthcare leaders and innovators” is the sound bite I came up with to capture this passion. Connecting and thought partnering with these folks like that--what could be more fun?

" Driving home from camping I was struck by

the surreal morning sun coming through the smoke."

" Having my own airplane allowed me access to remote canyonlands in southern Utah."

" Emergency camping when I am in need of solitude  is as easy as driving to the end of an Idaho road."


Awarded Bronze Star while working for the Command Surgeon who ran all the US medical facilities and programs in Vietnam.

Youngest hospital CEO in America at the time. Age 25.

Developed the business structure for Idaho's first graduate medical education program, as the second employee at the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho.

Conceptualized, started and ran for 42 years America's first physician practice management company (MedMan). 

Created America's first staff leasing company - conceptualized and procured IRS first ever approval for co-employment of medical practice staffs. 

Elected to the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) International Board of Directors. 

3000+ hour pilot with commercial and instrument ratings

Idaho State University – Distinguished Alumni, School of Business (1991)



Let's help individuals get healthier. 

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