...quipped a physician at our Family Medicine Leadership group in Denver last week. I invited recognized leaders in family medicine who were my friends, clients and others I wanted to hang out with -- to meet up and talk about improving healthcare. No one declined.
This eight-doc mastermind group spent 24 hours (noon to noon) intensely exchanging healthcare innovation ideas that enhance primary care delivery. Their family medicine groups totaled 4500 providers covering five time zones from Alaska to North Carolina.
To get our innovative juices flowing, Mike Biselli gave us a private tour of his seminal and edgy Catalyst Health Technology Innovation ecosystem. Innovative healthcare disruptions coming from his 120 tenants added to our take aways.
These family docs have now already arranged for some Catalyst community members to support their local initiatives. Our Think Tank quickly bonded, and we made plans to return to Catalyst in six months to continue our thinking on primary care as a force to make Americans healthier.